
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Kathleen Lamontagne

I had a lot of cans to redeem.  When I entered the redemption center, I saw a homeless man in the corner eating out of a can.  When I was done redeeming cans, I gave this man my redemption slip.  It was close to $5.00.  He took the slip and looked at me with those brilliant blue eyes and said "God Bless You".  It brings to mind the verse from the Bible saying "do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.  Hebrews 13:1-3.  In honor of Seth.  I did not know Seth, but through my daughter, Aimee.  But Seth has inspired me so much!

Vicki Sands Sullivan

We were going to cross the bridge to go down and show Lu josh and Emily's place and the car in front of us paid our four dollar toll. We will have to pay it forward for Seth.

Resy Skye Layton

A Kiva loan in your honor to a borrower in United States to buy more inventory to export to Bolivia.
This is for Seth and the random acts of Sethness. I hope he sees from up above just how much change he has brought to the world. I never met Seth but he must have been an incredible man to have so many loved ones surrounding him.

Ashley Mae - One Thing Leads to Another!

Ashley Mae
During this past week I decided to clean out my closet in anticipation of Spring weather. While weeding out clothes that I had not wore in a while I decided that I would pass them on to a dear friend who would use them more then myself. Although it may sound like I just passed clothes along, this friend had just began a new career. I am hoping she will feel more confident all while looking good! In addition to this Act of Sethness another friend of mine was a victim of her house being robbed. I cannot replace the items that were stolen or take back what had happened, but I did leave her a card with some gift cards in it to help out a little.

One thing leads to another


Amy Sullivan You are a great person Ashley Mae!!!


Sarah Young-Aubrey My dad passed away a few years back. I have all of his belongings still in my basement. I don't have the large furniture anymore. But, anyone in need of any house hold items I am more than happy to donate. U name it i have it.


Jayne Brandalick I could use some household items! We're moving into a house soon and have next to nothing!


Updates on Seth Machak @ Sarah and Jayne - glad you connected; this is what it's all about. Cathy

                        Sarah Young-Aubrey What can u use? Inbox me

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Machak's Acts of Sethness at Houles in South Hadley

Every one who went in for breakfast at the Houle Family Restaurant on Saturday March 23rd received a side order of bacon compliments of the Machak and Houle family...

A great day filled with family, old and new friends...the place was jammed!  
Thank you to all showed up and for sharing your Seth stories!

Jesseca Derby

My act of Sethness was based upon the impact Seth had on other people. He was always there to help no matter what the case may be. I decided that i would go and make animals feel the same way, I donated my time to an animal shelter. I did tasks from feeding the dogs, to simply just giving them attention. I did everything i could to help out, and thats exactly what Seth did throughout his life

Alice Goldsmith

I made 2 baby sweaters 2 hats and 2 sets of booties..The lady asked how much…I said it is my gift of Sethness..

Tracy Collins Wells

Today I left my purse at Dunkin donuts . I didn't realize it for 20 minutes. When I got back I asked the customer sitting next to the table I sat at if she had seen it. ? She smiled and said that she she found it and gave it to the girl behind the counter. I asked her if I could give her a hug !!!  then I offered her money but she was adamant about not taking it.!!! Later I went to a flea market and a sales person noticed that I looked sad. She mentioned it to my sister. She asked me to hold out my hands and then threw a silver bracelet she thought I would like into my hands. I gave her a huge hug too. It wasn't until I walked away that my sister told me what she had said about me looking sad! Two beautiful acts of kindness on a day that wasn't the best for me. I have a lot going on. Thank you God that we still have KIND and HONEST people in the world!!!

Sandra Hull-Hale

I enjoy doing "random acts of kindness", and doing so as a reminder of the 
those that Seth did for so many is a privilege.  I have endearing memories of a wonderful young man I was blessed to know, and the beautiful Christian family  to whom Seth's character can be attributed. 
This past week I had an opportunity to attend an 'open house' at a nearbyfarm that houses rescue horses, those who almost were slaughtered, others
abused, some starved…..  Some of these horses, once trusting again, are used to help autistic children connect emotionally.  
I learned that the owners of this farm allow some volunteer's to groom the horses and do other chores for the horses, also a way to give back to the owners for their grace and ministry. As I inquired about helping, I automatically thought of "acts of Sethness".  I'm not sure if Seth liked horses, but whether or not, I can hear Seth saying, "Great! Giddyap!"  

Brian Kellen

Caleb and Family,

I wanted to write to you and let you know i have been thinking and praying for you and your family since i heard the news.  I also wanted to let you know that i took your mom ad family's request on Facebook for an act of kindness seriously.  I want to do what i can if it will benefit your family in any way.  So here is the plan i came up with, i thought about the limited information i know about Seth and combined it with what i know about your family and came up with this.  What would best represent you guys?  i decided to hold an impromt family dinner for all of Joy and my family and friends.  What you and your family show me in everything you do is the importance of family and to be grateful for all of the wonderful people we have in our lives.  I looked at info on Seth and found the "i love bacon" pin and decided i would provided BLT and Bacon Cheeseburger to all.  I want to have a moment show my appreciation for everyone who touches my life and to give to them without asking for anything in return which is a principle i see in you and your family always.  Know the Kellen/Cote Clans' hearts, minds and prayers are with you and your family.  We are here for you if you need us in any way.

Jennifer Wainscott Cloutier

Morgan received a super sweet package in the mail this morning from Desiree, and her custom cookie company, SugarSugar, in Massachusetts. What a great surprise after yesterday! ♥ The note inside said that Morgan was the recipient of "An Act of Sethness" in memory of South Hadley, MA resident Seth Machak who was admitted to the hospital for what everyone thought was the flu before unexpectedly passing away 5 days later....Morgan was touched by the note & yummy cookies...Thank you Desiree! ♥ and thank you Seth.....

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mark and Cathy Machak

Today we went to Houles Restaurant in South Hadley and had our breakfast paid for.

Mark and Cathy Machak

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Laura Machak

I RECEIVED a Random Act of Sethness...
"You are receiving a Random Act of Sethness, to the best mom in the world. Love, Merric"
Thank you whoever did this. -Laura Machak  

Ashley Mae
During this past week I decided to clean out my closet in anticipation of Spring weather. While weeding out clothes that I had not wore in a while I decided that I would pass them on to a dear friend who would use them more then myself. Although it may sound like I just passed clothes along, this friend had just began a new career. I am hoping she will feel more confident all while looking good! In addition to this Act of Sethness another friend of mine was a victim of her house being robbed. I cannot replace the items that were stolen or take back what had happened, but I did leave her a card with some gift cards in it to help out a little.

One thing leads to another


Amy Sullivan You are a great person Ashley Mae!!!


Sarah Young-Aubrey My dad passed away a few years back. I have all of his belongings still in my basement. I don't have the large furniture anymore. But, anyone in need of any house hold items I am more than happy to donate. U name it i have it.


Jayne Brandalick I could use some household items! We're moving into a house soon and have next to nothing!


Updates on Seth Machak @ Sarah and Jayne - glad you connected; this is what it's all about. Cathy

                        Sarah Young-Aubrey What can u use? Inbox me

Earth Angel Design

Today I attended my monthly Conscious Connecticut breakfast meeting. As a random act of Sethness I asked the Diner to prepare two trays of their tasty raspberry bread to be placed on the table for everyone to enjoy. As the trays arrived people smiled with delight. At that moment, I asked everyone to take a piece and invited them to break bread together as I told them about Seth. The room was immediately filled with compassion and prayers for Seth. Shortly thereafter people started asking for prayers to be sent to their loved ones in need. I didn’t find this surprising since I knew Seth would want the healing energy to be shared with others as well. This Seth inspired act of kindness benefitted more people than I could have ever imagined

Jillian Plourd

Seth, it's been hard NOT to think about you in your fight for survival: I've thought about you putting bacon bits on my salad Wed & Thurs, for obvious reasons! When my one year old niece looked up at me on Thursday and said "I love you Guber" I thought- just wait until Merric can say this to his Uncle Seth! And I even thought of you when I was sitting at a table for 4 last night having a drink with a friend and waiting for our salsa chips to be brought to the table. A party of 4 came in and started looking around the very crowded restaurant for a table that could fit them. With out thinking I said "hi, you all can sit here, my friend and I will move down [to a 2 seated table a couple of tables away]." I began picking up our coats, coasters and drinks without hesitation as they smiled and thanked me repeatedly. It was a small random act of kindness, not even sure if it was Sethness enough, but still, I did it and I thought of you! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.