
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Carole Grenier

I was actually a recipient of a random act of Sethness tonight at 5p.m. I co own a preschool and one of the moms came in with two baskets filled with puzzles, bubbles . coloring books .and jump ropes. She started to tell me about a young man from South Hadley named Seth... I said yes, actually I know of Seths situation, I'm from South Hadley and my youngest Son was in school with Seth. She continued to explain to me about Random acts of Sethness and that she wanted to donate these items to the center for Seth, This was so touching, what an amazing family the Machaks are, paying things forward during this trying time. I immediately put Seths name on a prayer board at church. I will certainly do a Random act of Sethness myself..and continue praying for Seth and his family.

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