There are no words that could appropriately express how deeply saddened I am to hear of the loss of your son, my heart goes out to you, your family and all of the friends who are suffering from this unfortunate loss. While I did not have the opportunity of knowing Seth personally, I have quite a few friends who knew him in high school and as a result of their pain I started following your updates in the hopes of him pulling through. I am a new mother and I became very emotional watching you and your family stay strong through this journey and I was touched that even though you were going through this emotional roller coaster you thought to keep all of his friends, close and out of touch updated on his progress.
I believe that as adults we become responsible for our own actions, the way we treat others and the impact we have on the world we live in, but I also believe that deep down in our core we will always be a representation of the people our parents raised us to be. I believe this speaks volumes about you and the amazing young man that is your son. He clearly left his mark on this world and all the people who had the pleasure of knowing him. Seek comfort in the fact that you raised an incredible son and his life had a positive impact on people he did not even know.
With all this having been said I was inspired to still do my act of sethness in his memory and in part this was a dedication to you. I decided to bring flowers to all the incredibly strong women in my life and let them know that without them I would not be the person I am today. Thank you Cathy for thinking of keeping everyone in Seth's life updated. My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.

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