"How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world..."
Please find a way to do something kind for someone this week in memory of Seth T. Machak. I have been in awe all week of what Seth's family started with their Updates on Seth Machak and Random Acts of Sethness that it inspired. Hold a door, buy a stranger a coffee, send flowers to a random nursing home patient, call an old friend and tell them how much they mean to you. Please pick something (or many things) and DO IT. It doesn't matter how small it is, find a way to make someone else's life better this week.
Yes, this message is a bit out of character for me so I hope it shows how much this has effected me and means to me and my hometown. Though I can't say I was close with Seth, his older brother Caleb is an old friend and former teammate of mine and Seth was one of the genuinely nicest, selfless, funniest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Amanda Simpson
My random act of kindness happened when I was returning things at Kohls and the cashier handed me $100 instead of $59 dollars. I didn't notice until I was in my truck and driving down the road. I turned around and drove back and waited in line (behind 2 people) and return the the portion that did not belong to me because she miss counted.
Seth, I dont know you but you will be an amazing angel! RIP
Seth, I dont know you but you will be an amazing angel! RIP
Friday, February 22, 2013
Mary Bowen
Seth T. Machak Inspired Kindess!
Last time I saw Seth was when he came to Off the Map Tattoo for his very first tattoo (pictured below), which was inspired by his incredible work with Alzheimer's and dementia patients. Incidentally two of our other classmates, Bryan Manijak & Chris Yothers came to the studio yesterday to get tattooed. Off the Map is reaching out by not only donating the shop's proceeds of those tattoos to Seth's recovery fund (HelpSeth2013@gmail.com), the studio is also going to match that amount to donate to www.alzheimersinfo.org, a cause I know Seth would be proud to support!
We're routing for you everyday Seth!
Crystal Sroka
I bought all my co-workers bagels & coffee this morning for my "Seth act of Kindness". When I explained why, most of them already knew what I was up to. Some of my co-workers even told me they have been checking the updates themselves & praying for him as well. I felt so good doing this, it's the happiest I've been all week. Thank you for the inspiration. Keep fighting Seth! ♥
Michael Morse
i was just down the street from the thirsty mind. my friend in west springfield, his car broke down and he needed a ride there for open mic. so i picked him up, you know, because it was on the way. and tonight i will dedicate my show to you for to continue to spread your love. i love you, Seth.
Amy Smith
My daughter and I did a random act of Sethness today and wanted to share--We had to go physical therapy for my daughters ankle and as we were driving we saw a crew of utility people and two police officers outside working--When we came back an 1 1/2 later they were still working--It is 20 degees outside with the wind chill factor of -1. There was a dunkin donuts a couple of blocks of over so we bought 10 large cups of coffee and took it ack to the work site and told them we were practicing random acts of kidness today.....Praying for Seth daily!!!
Amanda Maria
A simple act of kindness - a bunch if small, simple acts have a great effect.
Paid for the order behind me at the coffee shop this morning and a vow to share my smile & laughs with those I encounter :)
Rachel Fay
1 Random act :) went through the Dunkin Donuts drive through and paid for the two cars behind me ♥
Robin Knight
Dear Seth,
I bought several boxes of Girl Scout cookies. They were placed on a break room table with only a note that reads, “Help yourself, cookies provided by a Kind Act of Seth”. Tomorrow they will be found and enjoyed in your name.
Get Well Soon,
Aunt Robin
Urooj Kahn
Random act of sethness...
I was at the gas station in Chicopee today around 10:30 pm, and while I was pumping gas, there was a couple looking for change in their car. The lady came up to me and introduced herself as Kelly and said she's completely out of gas and was scared to be stuck and asked for 3 dollars because she thought she could make it to Westfield with that much. I asked her to hold on, went inside and put 10 dollars on her pump and told her. She was so thankful and happy. We've all been in a position like that, so I thought it was time to pay it forward.
I don't personally know Seth, but my sister and many of my friends do. I've heard so many great things about him and it breaks my heart to hear what he's going through. He's in my thoughts and prayers, along with his family and friends. ♥
Renate Mills Bunten
Dave's act of Sethness for today - he is spending his evening rebuilding my old laptop to I can give it to my friend who is in need of one. :)
Ashley Donavan
My random act of sethness today was going to the children's hospital on my lunch break to play with some disabled children and show them I love and accept them just the way they are. My hope is if I can help spread that kind of love and acceptance to just one person, the world will be a better place.
Thank you Cathy and Mark, so much for enstilling this quality in your children. My prayers are for Seth and his recovery, but also for your strength and faith.
Much love and God bless,
Ashley (Church) Donovan
Thank you Cathy and Mark, so much for enstilling this quality in your children. My prayers are for Seth and his recovery, but also for your strength and faith.
Much love and God bless,
Ashley (Church) Donovan
Heather Parker Drake
Dear Seth, my kind new neighbor. My "Seth act of Kindness" today was to make certain that your apartment is looked after. Should you need anything, have your friends, family or staff get in touch with me and I will get in touch with the Landlord ASAP. No concerns with our great Landlords. We are all praying for your speedy recovery and your health is what is most important. GET BETTER SOON!!!!
Marybeth Russell
My Seth Act of Kindness for today:
Random but I found a hand drill at work a month back and knew it probably belonged to the handy man for the building. I finally saw him today and asked him if it was his and it was! He was so happy to have it back! It made his day! So glad I held on to it and remembered I had it when I saw him
Random but I found a hand drill at work a month back and knew it probably belonged to the handy man for the building. I finally saw him today and asked him if it was his and it was! He was so happy to have it back! It made his day! So glad I held on to it and remembered I had it when I saw him
Elizabeth Hawley Sanborn
My family's act of kindness is something we have done before. My 2 older children take Irish step dancing and during the month of march the perform at many nursing homes. This year though as a tribute to Seth we will be signing up for all of them not just the ones we are scheduled for. I know how important Seth's job is to him and this is something I know the residents enjoy tremendously! I love being able to brighten the day of those who have brought so much joy to others during their lives. I am also glad my children enjoy doing it as much as I do.
Leslie Pallante
Seth, I know Victoria will not post this or take credit for it, but she bought Jen and I "Death by chocolate" tonight and bringing it in for both of us in the morning at Landmark just to be kind!!!! I'm putting a check in the mail in the morn for Springfield Rescue Mission and sat with a resident today that doesn't get any visitors and doesn't socialize with anyone and we remembered you and all the fun you shared with her.
Karen Dierks
Today I did a little something extra to make a resident's birthday special.. I wanted her to know how much we value her,and that she holds a special place in our hearts. I want her to know she is beautiful, and to help her celebrate her life. Seth, I love your spirit, your kindness and your sense of humor. I used to get annoyed by your constant whistling (sorry) But now I find I miss it! Prays for your complete recovery will be said every night, until I hear that whistle again!
Llana Barron
My act of kindness today, aside from rubbing Seth's feet and hands, was delivering HEALTHY snacks and beverages to the Machak family. :)
Cathy Kenne
I am still praying for Seth continuously throughout the day and night. I did my first Seth-inspired Kindness today! Hectic schedule and not a lot of time for creativity, but I picked up a dozen doughnuts from our best bakery and delivered them to the staff at a local daycare. They were excited! Tell Seth it should have been bacon, but I would have felt a little odd making that delivery!!!! Praying and loving you hard!
Love Da Saints
My Seth act of kindness is attending the world congress for critical incident stress management so I can go to more events such as the Newtown shooting with my Saint Bernards that Seth fell in love with!!! During his recovery, when he is better, we will visit him at the hospital so he can have more Saint Bernard love!
Anne Sculley
Today my husband and I did several acts of kindness while thinking of Seth. Unfortunately, we were in Baystate ER most of the night, long story, but my husband agreed to participate in a clinical trial that they hospital was doing. I also called hospital admin after we left to give rave reviews about our nurses we had, they truly were amazing. We paid for the car behind us in line at Dunkin donuts and we brought a random gift off of someone's baby registry at babies r us and had it shipped to them. I am praying for Seth and for his family. Tonight when put my son to bed I said his prayers like we always do and said an extra one for Seth.
Sharline Grace
My kids painted star framed mirrors today to bring to the community room at my grandmothers old nursing home. They also got to eat JUST bacon for dinner and I stirred the bacon grease into the dogs food. A whole lot of unhealthiness! We're hoping we can come up with something a little more creative and Seth like for tomorrow's random act of Seth-ness. Hope ya'll are hanging in there, I know lots of people are praying for Seth but know that lots of people are also praying for you guys too! Love & prayers-
Sharline Grace & family xoxoxo
Sharline Grace & family xoxoxo
Darlene Howell
Dear Seth,
My act of kindness was a donation of 25.5 lbs of BACON!!! To the Thomas J O'Connor rescue center this afternoon. Freckles here says sorry you are in such RUFF!! Shape and she sends her best licks and wags so you can get well.
Love and much prayer,
Darlene Howa Howa :) XXOO

Erica Olbrych
I have been brain storming for the past couple of days about what I could do as my act of kindness when I remembered something I had heard about back a couple of months ago. This is a water filtration system that can be used in developing countries to provide enough water for a lifetime. Because I am so incredibly inspired by the Machak family and this entire idea of "acts of Sethness" I am so excited to be able to provide this system to a family in need. When I first heard about Water of Life it was right around the holidays and in the dead of winter and I remember feeling compelled to donate, but too afraid to spend the money with all of the expenses coming up. Seth's family has taken a tragic situation and turned into something beautiful, and I will admit that I feel pretty convicted about passing up the opportunity to do this the first time I had heard about it. Anyways, thank you for compelling us to perform an act of kindness and reminding us that no matter what we may have going on in our own lives there are needs to be met and we should always have a generous heart.
Lynn Pasteris
Hi Seth, Melissa Rae's mom here. My Random Act of Sethness is while delivering the mail today I picked up customer's news papers, telephone books and recycle bins and brought them to their doors. This is something I do most days especially in this weather. Will continue doing this and think of you as I do. Boat load of prayers to you and your family.
Angela L. Garvin
My Random Act of Sethness:
Today, at the extended care skills facility that I'm interning at for nursing school, I tendered request for an Alzheimer's Patient. After reviewing her files, I read that she copes by embracing her spiritual faith as a Baptist and through music. After introducing myself, I asked her if I could play her some music while I did her physical assessment. She welcomed this... when I asked what kind of music she liked, I got a blank stare. In keeping with the theme of "Seth inspired", I suggested we be serenaded with some Sinatra, joking that music these days just wasn't what it used to be! My patient often grasped my hand and gave it a squeeze, and put her other hand over her heart and smiled throughout the hour I spent with her. It really made me stop and think about how many patients I've nursed with my skills, but not quite made a connection with. What would Seth do? I predict he would have swung her around the dance floor. But for one hour this afternoon, in Seth's spirit, I gave a woman that lives in a unvarying state of ambiguity a sense of reminiscence and companionship.
Love you Seth. I'm praying for you every hour of every day. xo
Today, at the extended care skills facility that I'm interning at for nursing school, I tendered request for an Alzheimer's Patient. After reviewing her files, I read that she copes by embracing her spiritual faith as a Baptist and through music. After introducing myself, I asked her if I could play her some music while I did her physical assessment. She welcomed this... when I asked what kind of music she liked, I got a blank stare. In keeping with the theme of "Seth inspired", I suggested we be serenaded with some Sinatra, joking that music these days just wasn't what it used to be! My patient often grasped my hand and gave it a squeeze, and put her other hand over her heart and smiled throughout the hour I spent with her. It really made me stop and think about how many patients I've nursed with my skills, but not quite made a connection with. What would Seth do? I predict he would have swung her around the dance floor. But for one hour this afternoon, in Seth's spirit, I gave a woman that lives in a unvarying state of ambiguity a sense of reminiscence and companionship.
Love you Seth. I'm praying for you every hour of every day. xo
Shirley Gordon Hamill
Random Act of Sethness...
Today when I was getting in my car in the employee parking lot at Baystate Medical Center I noticed the car parked in front of me had a Marine Veteran sticker on it. I immediately found a small piece of paper in my car and wrote this note "Thank you for your dedication and service to this country. YOU are truly, deeply appreciated!" I am hoping that when this person comes out to the parking lot after spending the whole day caring for patients this note will put a smile on his/her face :)
Seth- Hang in there! Rest and heal. Your family, friends, and the elders need you!
Today when I was getting in my car in the employee parking lot at Baystate Medical Center I noticed the car parked in front of me had a Marine Veteran sticker on it. I immediately found a small piece of paper in my car and wrote this note "Thank you for your dedication and service to this country. YOU are truly, deeply appreciated!" I am hoping that when this person comes out to the parking lot after spending the whole day caring for patients this note will put a smile on his/her face :)
Seth- Hang in there! Rest and heal. Your family, friends, and the elders need you!
Diane DiBenedictis
Dearest Seth, so sorry for your problems. Hope the next few days find you improving. My act of kindness is to light a candle for you in church tomorrow night and devote all my prayers to you. I miss you as all of us in Cherrywood do. Its not the same without you. I have been doing a lot of you programs until you return. Please get better soon. Love Diane DiBenedictis
Stephanie Bergeron Kinch
Random act of kindness: I am uberpregnant and didn't feel like going anywhere today, but my daughter really wanted to "do something special" so we took the train into town and got cupcakes and did things at her pace. It's important to slow down and appreciate what you've got when you've got it - Seth has taught me that this week.
Liz Crawford
My random act of sethness:
There is a homeless man that I see every time I good food shopping. He holds a sign up that says "if you don't know God' ask me. I'll tell you about his love for you". Today I skipped on extra snacks for me and the kids and bought him gift cards to local restaurants. The man behind me was so inspired by why I was doing this. He is a manager of a hotel a d he is giving him a free room for the weekend!
There is a homeless man that I see every time I good food shopping. He holds a sign up that says "if you don't know God' ask me. I'll tell you about his love for you". Today I skipped on extra snacks for me and the kids and bought him gift cards to local restaurants. The man behind me was so inspired by why I was doing this. He is a manager of a hotel a d he is giving him a free room for the weekend!
Kurt Connor
A party in Seth's honor - a prayer group for those so inclined, and for the rest of us.. enjoying bacon in Seth's honor is a form of prayer, I think. I can provide a lot of bacon if people want to help by bringing things that are better with bacon (everything?): salad stuff, lettuce/tomato/bread/mayo, burger stuff, chocolate, ice cream, biscuits/scones/cookies?
Everything very informal, come and go as you please, I'll try to have bacon cooking continuously for the three hours or so.
48 hours later, my house still reeks of bacon grease. I'm thinking of it as a form of religious incense.
Jared Joseph & Sue Dumas
My random act of Sethness today was bringing sandwich platters for the Waterberry ICU team. It is my intention to bring nourishment to the hands who care for him. May the powers that be, bring them many blessings!!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Meghan KH
I just received some "KAOS" @ work! Feels so great to receive "Kind Acts of Sethness" I'll pay it forward, for sure! Thinking of and praying for Seth and family. ♥
Nancy Feldott
Today I had a chance to give a Seth-inspired act of kindness. As I came out of WalMart, I noticed a woman and a teen girl selling Girl Scout cookies; they were shivering a bit, and the girl was huddled under a sheet of clear plastic. I drove to McDonald's and got 2 cups of hot chocolate and a big bag of chicken nuggets. When I got back to WalMart, I gave them the cocoa and nuggets. Their response was awe, then relief. I explained the Seth-inspired acts if kindness, and they said they would pray for Seth and pass the acts of kindness forward.
Karah Helena
Dear Seth and family and friends,
Today I have 2 acts of kindness in honor of seth and his recovery, 1 from my father and 1 for myself.
While in a rush at the gas station filling up his tank my father noticed a man who had gotten in an accident and his front bumper was hanging off and he was struggling to get air in his tire. my father took the time to tie the mans bumper back on with some wire and fill up his tire for him when he saw him struggling he would like me to devote this random act of kindness to you.
Today I have 2 acts of kindness in honor of seth and his recovery, 1 from my father and 1 for myself.
While in a rush at the gas station filling up his tank my father noticed a man who had gotten in an accident and his front bumper was hanging off and he was struggling to get air in his tire. my father took the time to tie the mans bumper back on with some wire and fill up his tire for him when he saw him struggling he would like me to devote this random act of kindness to you.
Also, while driving a few minutes ago I noticed a little elderly woman struggling to get a shopping cart of groceries down the snow covered side walk. I pulled over and ask her if she would like some help and she was very grateful, I hope to get the shopping cart down the sidewalk up to her house and then helped her get the groceries inside. while helping her she told me stories about her day and she seems to really appreciate the help, I will keep on the lookout for more things I can do to help others and I hope you continue to make improvements seth. we are all pulling for you XO
Annalee Munson
RAOS (Random Act of Sethness, as someone put it...) Bought Chinese food for a friend last night who I knew was stopping by... returned many! carts in the Costco parking lot for the cart boy!
Sharline Grace
The person in front of me at Starbucks bought my coffee for me this morning. The barista gave me the message that it was a random act of Sethness, he said it was the 3rd person today to do it! I gave him $5 and told him I'd like to pay for the next person who had their dog in the car with them :) also told him about this page so he could understand what exactly RAOS are. It's absolutely amazing to me to see the number of people Seth has touched throughout his life. Get better soon buddy you need to see the number of people you've got fighting for u!!!
Christine Hamel
My act of Sethness was taking my vegan daughter to Arnolds meats because she wanted to make chicken wings for a friends birthday. I'm Liz and John Hawley's mother. All our prayers are with you.
Mary LaPlante
Random Acts of Sethness....We were on our way to the Springfield Falcons game last night when we passed a disabled man sitting beside his wheelchair on the steps of Symphony Hall. He softly said hello as we walked by but he didn't ask us for anything. On our way back by we handed him $5.00. Thinking of you Seth!
Brittni Motyka
I work in midtown Manhattan and pass a gauntlet of homeless people every day on my commute to work. Today I walked past a barefoot homeless man and immediately thought of Seth. I turned around and gave him a 5 dollar bill and he looked like he was going to cry. It's a small step but its only the beginning. The first of my many random acts of Sethness to come.
Chad Leahy
Random act. Sort of confidential so I can't give details, but I spent some time speaking with someone who really needed it instead of being somewhere else that I was 'supposed' to be.
Amy Smith
I took my daughter and her best friend to dinner tonight and there was a family with a little girl who was celebrating her birthday. My daughter and her best friend asked me for five dollars and took it over to the little girl and said we are practicing random acts of kindness and we would like you to have this money. The little girl was all smiles and my daughter and her friend were so excited--they said we had so much fun mom--well as we were getting ready to leave a gentleman and his wife came over and handed the 2 girls a 10 dollar bill and said here is my random act of kindness--you girls are an inspiration--so the girls are now planning their next act of random kindness in honor of Seth!!!
Robin Knight
Dear Seth,
Since you love bees, my “Act of Sethness” today was to buy some. I went to the Heifer International website and bought a package of bees, the box and hive plus training in beekeeping. These will be passed on to a family in need. You definitely need to get better now though because I have a question. Bees come in a package…as in like seeds for a garden!?!?
I’ll be waiting for your answer.
Aunt Robin
Since you love bees, my “Act of Sethness” today was to buy some. I went to the Heifer International website and bought a package of bees, the box and hive plus training in beekeeping. These will be passed on to a family in need. You definitely need to get better now though because I have a question. Bees come in a package…as in like seeds for a garden!?!?
I’ll be waiting for your answer.
Aunt Robin
Jody Trotman Babilonia
Our Random Act of Sethness came rather unexpectedly tonight. We had been discussing just the right Act we should do, and when we should do it, and perhaps how to involve others. There was lots of discussion you see. We wanted to do something Seth worthy. We were traveling home after having a nice dinner out with friends....I had a dirty martini in Seth's honour...it was good Seth, we'll share one soon....and we came upon a smaller pickup truck in a snow bank against the guard rail. The driver was in front of his vehicle kicking snow away from the front of his bumper, probably in attempts of getting his truck out. Apparently he slid on black ice and had scared himself pretty good. I turned to Marc and said we need to turn around, we need to help him. So we did. Out came the tow strap and away we pulled. Out of the snowbank that had wrapped itself around the bumpers and tires leapt the little truck! The driver was elated for our help, the pooch in the front seat was headed home and we were no worse for the wear. Upon leaving the snowbank, we both looked at each other and said that was alllll Seth, that was all Seth. Our Act of Sethness came out of nowhere, kind of like Seth's friendship. When you least expect it, the best things can happen. Forge ahead Seth. We will continue to love you to the MOON! Oh, and I will look forward to having a Dirty Martini with you.....we never did get to have one at Ichabods. Hurry up....I'm thirsty.
Kaylee Nicholls
Seth Inspired Kindness: taking 20 minutes out of my busy day to please the little voices crying 'mommy, I want to fly' (aka running around holding my kids up in the air with their arms spread out like an air plane)! It's the small things in life that bring big satisfaction!
Danielle Laferriere
I recently had surgery, so I couldn't leave my house to do my Random Act of Sethness. But today I had some appliances delivered, and I made cookies & coffee for the delivery guys. Being their last delivery of the day, they were able to stop for a few minutes to enjoy a treat after a long day. I told them the reason behind the snacks, and they promised to spread some Seth inspired kindness themselves. Please know I am praying for healing for Seth, and peace for your family. May God hold you in His loving arms.
Alessandra Schembari
My act of sethness:
A manager and I had been discussing lately her interest in knitting. Last week I offered her some of Barbara Stein's yarn. Today I brought in a bag full of goodies for my manager- with a note about Seth T. Machak's illness and the acts of kindness. My manager loved the idea! She told me she would knit socks to deliver to local nursing homes! She even wants copies of my note to give to her recipients. :)
A manager and I had been discussing lately her interest in knitting. Last week I offered her some of Barbara Stein's yarn. Today I brought in a bag full of goodies for my manager- with a note about Seth T. Machak's illness and the acts of kindness. My manager loved the idea! She told me she would knit socks to deliver to local nursing homes! She even wants copies of my note to give to her recipients. :)
Pauline Roberts Byrne
I thought all day what can I do for Seth as a act of Sethness.So today I e-mailed a few churches and asked them to please say special prayers for Seth Machak who is very ill. I am also going to donate $25.00 dollars to watermark for kids in the act of Sethness.I think he would appreciate that.Get well Soon,we all love you and miss you.You have been with us for a short time and you have grown on us.
Carole Grenier
I was actually a recipient of a random act of Sethness tonight at 5p.m. I co own a preschool and one of the moms came in with two baskets filled with puzzles, bubbles . coloring books .and jump ropes. She started to tell me about a young man from South Hadley named Seth... I said yes, actually I know of Seth's situation, I'm from South Hadley and my youngest Son was in school with Seth. She continued to explain to me about Random acts of Sethness and that she wanted to donate these items to the center for Seth, This was so touching, what an amazing family the Machaks are, paying things forward during this trying time. I immediately put Seth's name on a prayer board at church. I will certainly do a Random act of Sethness myself..and continue praying for Seth and his family.
Aisha Mcclure
For my first Seth inspired act of kindness, I stopped at the store and picked up several baskets and filled them with puzzles, coloring books, and jump ropes. I dropped these off to my son Logan's school ( Side By Side Preschool in Chicopee). They were very thankful for the donation, and when I told them this act was inspired by Seth and asked them to keep them in their thoughts and prayers, I was told that his name would be added to the prayer lists for their respective churches!
Maeghan Gouvin
My random act of Sethness: I was at a watermark today and it was extremely busy. A man stopped by my lounge chair to ask when I was leaving. I told him not for a few hours. We then chatted about how great the chairs are and how much he loves them. Shortly after I had a phone call from my sitter canceling for the afternoon. As I prepared to leave, I found the mans shoes and placed them on my chair to hold it for him. Not much, but it's a first effort! My family is still praying, hoping all these positive thoughts and acts will reach you Seth T. Machak.
Denise Swedberg
We are presently in the kitchen getting ready to feed two bachelor friends a homemade meal before going to a prayer group tonight.
Seth will be prayed for at the group!
Seth will be prayed for at the group!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Laura Borek
I have two more acts of kindness, but one will not be finished until tomorrow.
1. I am making a point to tell everyone how important they are to me and that I love them. This situation has taught me how precious our time is together. So please thank Seth for his friendship and tell him my life wouldn't be the same without him.
2. Seth is a darn good chef and has the best sense of humor. I am making cookies tonight and am going to share them with coworkers tomorrow. But I am going to share them the Seth way. I am going to go around and offer the cookies and share a smile and a joke. The cookies won't be as good as Seth's food and my jokes won't be as witty, but I am going ti try my best. I am also going to steal my material from Seth's page so I can blame him, rather than my terrible delivery, if people don't laugh ;)
1. I am making a point to tell everyone how important they are to me and that I love them. This situation has taught me how precious our time is together. So please thank Seth for his friendship and tell him my life wouldn't be the same without him.
2. Seth is a darn good chef and has the best sense of humor. I am making cookies tonight and am going to share them with coworkers tomorrow. But I am going to share them the Seth way. I am going to go around and offer the cookies and share a smile and a joke. The cookies won't be as good as Seth's food and my jokes won't be as witty, but I am going ti try my best. I am also going to steal my material from Seth's page so I can blame him, rather than my terrible delivery, if people don't laugh ;)
Brian Abair
My seth inspired act of kindness.... i have taken it upon myself to setup an account in seths name and all donations will go directly to him and the family to help with groceries, bills, medical needs, ect...ect.... once he is out all funds from it will go directly to him and his needs. i will repost all the details below. there is also a google email account setup for anyone that wants to leave a personal message or any words of encouragement or anything at all for him a la the google commercial which will also be turned over to him once he is well and able.
I'm going to repost this again to remind everyone about it. donate what you can. if you setup a paypal account through the ipod or android app it only take 2 mins.
For those of us who went to school with Seth T. Machak and knew him, I have taken it upon myself to setup a donation account for him to help with medical costs and any other expenses that maybe needed to help him after this is over. The address to send it to is helpseth2013@gmail.com through paypal. I'am not taking a dime of this all proceeds will go directly to Seth or his family to help with any and all that is needed. We all want to help and I figured this Is the best way that I could. If you want to write a personal message to Seth, you can send it directly to the gmail none of it will be read by me. I will be turning over the accounts to him once he is healed and home where he should be. Every little bit helps a penny, a quarter, a dollar, it doesn't matter no amount is too small. When something happens to one of our class it happens to all of us and this has hit me hard so this is my way of helping. So please if you can donate anything know that it is all for a good cause.
I'm going to repost this again to remind everyone about it. donate what you can. if you setup a paypal account through the ipod or android app it only take 2 mins.
For those of us who went to school with Seth T. Machak and knew him, I have taken it upon myself to setup a donation account for him to help with medical costs and any other expenses that maybe needed to help him after this is over. The address to send it to is helpseth2013@gmail.com through paypal. I'am not taking a dime of this all proceeds will go directly to Seth or his family to help with any and all that is needed. We all want to help and I figured this Is the best way that I could. If you want to write a personal message to Seth, you can send it directly to the gmail none of it will be read by me. I will be turning over the accounts to him once he is healed and home where he should be. Every little bit helps a penny, a quarter, a dollar, it doesn't matter no amount is too small. When something happens to one of our class it happens to all of us and this has hit me hard so this is my way of helping. So please if you can donate anything know that it is all for a good cause.
Artsy Pants Boutique
These are a size 7 Cherokee brand toddler shoe. I am donating them to the first person to comment (on Facebook), I will decorate them free of charge for you, however, you will have to pay the shipping costs. I am doing this as an act of kindness, for a sweet friend of mine who is in the hospital right now fighting for his life. =) Don't forget to pass it on. ♥ These are for Seth
Thirsty Mind Coffee and Wine Bar
We at Thirsty Mind are all pulling for Seth. He's not a frequent customer, but we're always glad to see him. Being in South Hadley, it's unsurprising that most of our staff and customers know Seth, as you can't meet him even once without him making a lasting and positive impression on you. Therefore, our "Act of Sethness" will be to donate 100% of all bacon proceeds (from our breakfast sandwiches) to Seth's cause, either through Brian's donation fund or directly. More importantly, we will be keeping Seth and his family in our thoughts and prayers until he is home safe where he belongs!
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